Step 1 - Click Referral Sources under the Manage tab in the left navigation menu
Step 2 - Click the Add New button at the top right
Step 3 - Choose from the following information what you would like to have for the referral source in the Add Referral Source form
- Firm Name - Name of the referral firm
- Practice Areas - The practice areas the firm specializes in. Click the field to view and select from existing referral practice areas. To add a new practice area, type the desired term and press Enter to add it to the field. Once the referral source is created, you will be able to add the new practice area to other referral sources. (Note: Referral practice areas are different than case types, which refer to your firm’s case types)
- Phone - Referral firm's phone number
- Notes - Notes about the firm
- Attention - Who the referred leads should be in attention to
- Address, City, State, Postal Code (ZIP) - Address information of the firm
- Email Addresses - Email address that referred leads will be sent to
- Filevine Contact ID - This will associate the referral source with an existing Filevine contact.
- Partner CRM Endpoint - This allows you to send data directly to the referral sources case management system. This information will be provided by the referral firm.
- Incoming - Yes/No, whether or not the firm refers leads to your firm
- Outgoing - Yes/No, whether or not your firm refers leads to the referral firm
- Priority - The priority level of this firm: the higher the priority number, the more likely the firm will be to be selected for referred leads
- Access Code - Contained in the URL to referral firms is a ReferralGuid that acts as a password for the firm to view the referred lead's information. While used rarely, if someone at the referral firm leaves and you are worried they will try and access previous emails with sensitive lead information, the access code feature is a protective measure you can take.
Step 4 - Click the Save button
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