This article discusses how to update and reassign leads and tasks in bulk. Admin users can update lead status, reassign leads, reassign tasks, and delete tasks using bulk actions.
Navigate to Bulk Actions by selecting Reports from the lefthand side menu in the Lead Docket and scrolling down to the Bulk Actions section.
Here, you can select which action you’d like to take.
Aging Leads and Status Change
Reassign Leads
Reassign Tasks
Delete Tasks
Aging Leads and Status Change
The Aging Leads report shows which leads have been in a status for a specified number of days, and allows you to change the status of all leads that meet that criteria in bulk. To view this report or change lead status in bulk, select Aging Leads from the Bulk Actions menu.
Select the status from the Lead Status dropdown. Choose Last Status Change Age to filter for leads that have been in that status for the chosen number of days or longer. A list of leads matching the chosen criteria is generated below.
Change Status
From the generated list, select the leads you would like to change, or select the checkbox at the top of the list to select all leads on that page. Search for specific leads using the Filter textbox just above the list.
Under the list, choose the New Lead Status for the leads and enter any notes you’d like to record for each selected lead. Click Save Changes.
The lead status change and the note will be recorded in the system notes of each of the affected leads. To view a lead’s system notes, select Leads from the left-hand side menu, then Edit on the lead you’d like to view. Select the Notes tab and click Show System Notes on the right-hand side of the page.
Reassign Leads
To reassign leads in bulk, select Reassign Leads from the Bulk Actions menu. Filter for the leads you’d like to reassign by selecting the assignee role and name from the dropdown. You can also filter leads by status, or select All Unresolved Lead Statuses from the Status dropdown to include all leads with an open status. Click the Show Leads button to generate a list of leads that meet the criteria.
From the generated list, select the leads you want to reassign, or select the checkbox at the top of the list to select all leads on that page. Search for specific leads using the Filter textbox just above the list.
Under the list, choose the new assignee and enter any notes you’d like to record for each selected lead. Click Save Changes.
Reassignment of a lead is recorded in the lead’s system notes. To view a lead’s system notes, select Leads from the left-hand side menu, then Edit on the lead you’d like to view. Select the Notes tab and click Show System Notes on the right-hand side of the page.
Reassign Tasks
To reassign tasks in bulk, select Reassign Tasks from the Bulk Actions menu. Select the current assignee from the dropdown. Click the Show Tasks button to generate a list of that assignee’s tasks.
From the generated list, select the leads you want to reassign, or select the checkbox at the top of the list to select all tasks on that page. Search for specific tasks using the Filter textbox just above the list.
Under the list, choose the user you want to reassign the tasks to and enter any notes you’d like to record for each selected task. Click Save Changes.
Reassignment of a task will show up in the system notes on the lead it is associated with. To view a lead’s system notes, select Leads from the left-hand side menu, then Edit on the lead you’d like to view. Select the Notes tab, then click Show System Notes on the right-hand side of the page.
If the task reassignment is the latest note on its associated lead, you can also see it within the task. Select Tasks, then select the task you’d like to view. Click the Last Note tab to see its reassignment history.
Delete Tasks
In addition to reassigning tasks in bulk, you can also delete tasks in bulk. Select Delete Tasks from the Bulk Actions menu. Select the current assignee from the dropdown and click the Show Tasks button to generate a list of that assignee’s tasks.
From the list, select the tasks you want to delete, or select the checkbox at the top of the list to select all tasks on that page. Search for specific tasks using the Filter textbox just above the list.
Under the list, click the Delete Tasks button to delete all selected tasks. Deleted tasks cannot be recovered. Exercise caution when using the Delete Tasks feature.
When the tasks have been deleted, you will be notified by a green popup in the upper right-hand corner.
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