There are different fields of information Lead Docket can send over depending on the webhook trigger selected.
The fields are listed below under their respective triggers.
Triggers: Lead Created, Lead Edited, Lead Status Changed
- EventType
- EventTypeId
- EventByUser
- LeadDocketContactId
- ContactFirstName
- ContactMiddleName
- ContactLastName
- ContactFullName
- ContactAddress1
- ContactAddress2
- ContactCity
- ContactCounty
- ContactState
- ContactZip
- ContactCode
- ContactBirthdate
- ContactEmail
- ContactDeceased
- ContactMinor
- ContactGender
- ContactHomePhone
- ContactWorkPhone
- ContactMobilePhone
- ContactLanguage
- ContactCreatedDate
- ContactCreatedBy
- LastStatusChangeDate
- LeadCode (the code on the "Other" tab)
- LeadDocketLeadId
- LeadPracticeArea
- LeadPracticeAreaCode
- LeadStatus
- LeadSubstatus
- LeadSeverityLevel
- LeadSeverityLevelId
- LeadSummary
- LeadInjuryInformation
- LeadReferredBy
- LeadMarketingSource
- LeadMarketingSourceDetails
- LeadContactSource
- LeadCreatedDate
- LeadIncidentDate
- LeadIntakeName
- LeadIntakeCode
- LeadIntakeEmail
- LeadAttorneyName
- LeadAttorneyCode
- LeadAttorneyEmail
- LeadCreatorName
- LeadCreatorCode
- LeadCreatorEmail
- OpportunityCreatedDate
- OpportunityProcessedDate
- PhoneCallRecordingURL
- PhoneCallDuration
- PhoneCallFromNumber
- PhoneCallDate
- All Custom Fields with values (full question : answer)
- All Related Contacts (Contact ID, Relationship, IsPlaintiff, Name)
- URLs to all lead files
Triggers: Contact Added, Contact Edited, Tag Added To Contact, Tag Removed From Contact
- EventType
- EventTypeId
- EventByUser
- LeadDocketContactId
- ContactFirstName
- ContactMiddleName
- ContactLastName
- ContactFullName
- ContactAddress1
- ContactAddress2
- ContactCity
- ContactCounty
- ContactState
- ContactZip
- ContactCode
- ContactBirthdate
- ContactEmail
- ContactDeceased
- ContactMinor
- ContactGender
- ContactHomePhone
- ContactWorkPhone
- ContactMobilePhone
- ContactLanguage
- ContactCreatedDate
- ContactCreatedBy
Trigger: Note Added
- EventType
- EventTypeId
- EventByUser
- LeadDocketContactId
- ContactFirstName
- ContactMiddleName
- ContactLastName
- ContactFullName
- ContactAddress1
- ContactAddress2
- ContactCity
- ContactCounty
- ContactState
- ContactZip
- ContactCode
- ContactBirthdate
- ContactEmail
- ContactDeceased
- ContactMinor
- ContactGender
- ContactHomePhone
- ContactWorkPhone
- ContactMobilePhone
- ContactLanguage
- ContactCreatedDate
- ContactCreatedBy
- LeadDocketLeadId
- LeadStatus
- LeadSubstatus
- NoteSummary
- Note
- NoteEventType
- NoteCreatedBy
- NoteCreatedDate
Trigger: Opportunity Created, Opportunity Converted to Lead, Opportunity Disregarded
- EventType
- EventTypeId
- LeadDocketOpportunityId
- FirstName
- MiddleName
- LastName
- Address1
- Address2
- City
- County
- State
- Zip
- Code
- Birthdate
- Gender
- HomePhone
- WorkPhone
- MobilePhone
- Language
- CreatedDate
- SeverityLevelId
- Summary
- InjuryInformation
- ReferredBy
- MarketingSource
- MarketingSourceDetails
- ContactSource
- IncidentDate
- LeadID
- PrecessedDate
- ProcessedBy
- DisregardReason
Trigger: Text Message Received
- EventType
- EventTypeId
- MessageId
- ContactFirstName
- ContactMiddleName
- ContactLastName
- ContactLastNameHomePhone
- ContactLastNameWorkPhone
- ContactLastNameMobilePhone
- ContactLanguage
- LeadDocketLeadId
- LeadStatus
- LeadSubstatus
- MessageCreatedDate
- MessageBodySummary
- MessageSendTo
- MessageSendFrom
- MessageSendFromName
- CaseType
- LeadIntakeName
- LeadIntakeCode
- LeadIntakeEmail
- LeadAttorneyName
- LeadAttorneyCode
- LeadAttorneyEmail
- LeadCreatorName
- LeadCreatorCode
- LeadCreatorEmail
Trigger: Document Uploaded
- EventType
- EventTypeId
- ContactId
- ContactFirstName
- ContactMiddleName
- ContactLastName
- ContactFullName
- LeadId
- LeadCode
- LeadCaseType
- LeadCaseTypeCode
- FileName
- Extension
- FileUrl
- DecodedFileUrl
- FileCategory
Trigger: Settlement Added
- EventType
- EventTypeId
- EventByUser
- ContactId
- ContactFirstName
- ContactMiddleName
- ContactLastName
- ContactFullName
- ContactAddress1
- ContactAddress2
- ContactCity
- ContactCounty
- ContactState
- ContactZip
- ContactCode
- ContactBirthdate
- ContactEmail
- ContactDeceased
- ContactMinor
- ContactGender
- ContactHomePhone
- ContactWorkPhone
- ContactMobilePhone
- ContactLanguage
- ContactCreatedDate
- ContactCreatedBy
- LeadId
- LeadCode
- LeadStatus
- SettlementAmount
- SettlementFee
- SettlementDate
- Summary
- ReferralFee
- Expenses
- Notes
Trigger: Expense Added
- EventType
- EventTypeId
- EventByUser
- Amount
- ExpenseDate
- MarketingSourceId
- MarketingSourceName
- OfficeName
- Vendor
- ExpenseDescription
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