At Lead Docket, we are dedicated to creating products our customers love. The feedback we receive from our users is crucial in helping us set priorities and determine the future of Lead Docket.
We are committed to being as responsive, timely, and transparent as possible when it comes to user feedback. The open communication we are seeking to have regarding our product development process takes great trust, respect, and time. We believe Lead Docket users are exceptional and will work with us patiently to provide insights and feedback into how we can continue to create functionality that will solve the needs of their business.
Lead Docket users can now leave their feedback from within Lead Docket by opening the Resource Center that appears at the top right of the Lead Docket window. Users can also view and vote on others’ feedback as well as check the progress of their own requests by visiting the Feedback Portal.
Note that submitting a request does not guarantee its development. Lead Docket’s roadmap is dependent on the priorities set by Lead Docket.
Leaving Feedback
Click the question mark icon in the top right of your Lead Docket page to open the Resource Center. (If you do not see the question mark icon, you may need to turn off your ad blocker for
In the Resource Center, you can also go to the Help Center or contact support, in addition to submitting your feedback.
To submit a request, click “Share Your Feedback” and you will be taken to the request form. Fill out all fields in this form and hit “Submit request” to make the request.
Once your request is made, you will have the option to view the request in the Dashboard section of the Feedback Portal or to submit another request.
Keeping Track of Requests
Once requests have been made by you or others, they will appear in the Feedback Portal, which you can visit by clicking the “Open in Portal” link in the “Share Your Feedback” section.
My Priorities
Under the “Make a Suggestion” option, you will see “My Priorities.”
Your priorities are your top requests, the ones you are most invested and interested in. Priorities can be ranked by dragging the slider underneath them and can be removed at any time by clicking on the “zzz” icon.
You can view your previous priorities by clicking “See your previous choices.” Here you can re-add a priority if desired by clicking the thumbs up icon.
Suggested by Others
Underneath the “My Priorities” section, you will see “Suggested by Others.” Here, you’ll be able to review requests submitted by others and choose the ones you are interested in by clicking the thumbs up icon underneath their title. Clicking the thumbs up icon will add this request to your priorities and make you a follower of this request, meaning that you will receive email updates. Learn more about updates in the next section.
If you are not interested in a request, you can select the “zzz” icon to remove from view.
Status Updates
When viewing your priorities, you will see a status next to each suggestion. Initially, new feedback will have the “Not Reviewed” status.
Once the request has been reviewed by Lead Docket, it will be moved to “Awaiting Feedback” status. At this point, the request will be available for others to view and vote on.
All feedback will go through a period of research as we determine the impact and value of a request to our clients. After sufficient research and data have been collected--a process which varies by submission--you may see the request progress into one of the following categories:
- Open for Voting: The feature has been reviewed by the Lead Docket Product team and is available for commenting and voting from other users. Items in this status do not have a timeline for development.
- Planned: The feature is something we intend to implement in the near future.
- Building: The feature is currently in development.
- Released: The feature has gone through a general release; the feature should now be available for all users.
- Closed: The request may have been redirected to the appropriate training or support channels, or it may not align with the overall product vision for Lead Docket.
Each time the status is updated by the product team, anyone following the request--meaning that they have given this request the thumbs up and have it currently listed in their priorities--will receive an email informing them of the new status. Leaving a feedback submission, or voting on one, does not guarantee its development. Our roadmap is fluid and will change based upon the priorities discovered and set by Lead Docket.
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