Contact - A person with contact information such as Name, Address, Phone Number, etc. (Not the same as a lead).
Contact Source - How the lead got your firm's phone number or how they contacted your firm.
(Examples: Social Media, Phone Book, Television, Web Chat, Web Form, etc.)
Note: This is not always the same as a Marketing Source but it can be. For example, someone may have heard about your firm from seeing Billboards, then months later they have a case and got your phone number from your Website. The Marketing Source would be "Billboard" and the contact source would be "Website".
Lead - A contact with a potential case. There may be multiple leads per contact.
Lead Status - The current progress of a lead.
More details about specific lead statuses, here.
Marketing Source - How the lead heard about your firm. This is a required field under Marketing Information when adding a new lead.
(Examples: Billboard, Television, Web Advertising, Events, etc.)
Note: This is not always the same as Contact Source, but it can be. For example, someone may have heard about your firm from seeing Billboards, then months later they have a case and got your phone number from your Website. The Contact Source would be "Website" and the Marketing Source would be "Billboard".
Opportunity Source - the name of the integration that lead has come from.
Third-party sources that integrate with Lead Docket will be named appropriately depending on the source.
For example, an Apex Chat integration may have the name "Apex Chat" - This would be the Opportunity Source on all leads from Apex Chat.
Task - An assignment that needs to be completed or assigned to someone. Some tasks are assigned automatically depending on lead statuses.
More about tasks: here.
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